​IRD301 Vibration Meter

    Simple and Easy-to-Use. Just 1 button operation. Ideal for Preventive and Predictive Maintenance. Rugged and Lasting. Measures Vibration Velocity in mm/s RMS in accordance to ISO 20816

Proven Solutions for Condition Monitoring. Made in India.
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Explore our Range of Vibration Sensors

We have a large range of Vibration Sensors to suit different applications and requirements. These Sensors are built to last and help you get your Condition Monitoring programme going

Contact Type

Contact Type Vibration Sensors are used for Casing Vibration Measurements and are in direct contact with the surface of the measured equipment. Varieties include:

Contact Us if you need help in choosing the right sensor for your application

Non-Contact Type

Non-Contact Type Sensors are also known as Eddy Current Probes (ECP) or Proximity Probes or Non-Contact Pickup Units (NCPU). We have a wide variety of Eddy Current Probes to suit your specific application and requirement. These probes are most commonly used for Relative Shaft Vibration Measurements or Axial Displacement Measurements.

Contact Us if you need help in choosing the right sensor for your application

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